15th IEEE PowerTech Conference - PowerTech 2023, Belgrade (Serbia). 25-29 June 2023
Spanish layman's summary:
Esta ponencia se enmarca en el proyecto europeo ATTEST. Su objetivo es desarrollar herramientas que puedan ayudar al TSO/DSO a tomar decisiones sobre los activos involucrados en la operación típica. Se presentan las características de las tres herramientas desarrolladas para la gestión de activos.
English layman's summary:
This contribution is part of the ATTEST European project. Its goal is to develop tools that can help electrical companies make decisions about the assets involved in the typical operation of TSO/DSO power systems. The characteristics of the three tools developed for asset management are presented.
Keywords: Asset Management, Transmmision power grids, Distribution power grids, machine learning, open source tools
Publication date: 2023-06-25.
G.L. Rajora, M.A. Sanz-Bobi, Development of a smart environment for asset management in power grids – ATTEST project, 15th IEEE PowerTech Conference - PowerTech 2023, Belgrade (Serbia). 25-29 June 2023.